Covid-19 Policy Information
In keeping with the government’s measures related to coronavirus, we have implemented the following procedures at Lombard House in addition to the existing policies and procedures. Our ultimate goal is to keep our tenants, visitors and staff healthy and safe.
- Front staircase and back staircase – We would like to ask everyone to use the staircase as a one way system, the front staircase is to be used to do upstairs and the back staircase will be used to go downstairs
- Lift – We would ask that when using the lift that only one person uses it at a time. The only time that the lift is shared is if it is with your colleague(s) or a member of your household.
- Dorguard – We have purchased several Dorguards to keep doors open during office hours and shut after office hours. They will be located beside the lift on the double doors, and one of the doors as you enter the back corridor. These are fire compliant and will close when the fire alarm goes off
- Cleaners – We have an external company who cleans Monday to Friday during the evenings.
- Kitchen doors & etiquette – Due to fire reasons, the kitchen doors are not allowed to be left open. Instead we will put the door on the latch every morning so you can use your arm to push the door open. Additional soap has been purchased and will be placed in the kitchen. Please do respect other people in the kitchens and adhere to social-distancing guidelines.
- Hand sanitisers – Hand sanitising machines are fixed to the walls outside the toilets/kitchens, beside the lift and near to all external doors
Signs are placed around the building so any visitors to the building can also adhere to these procedures and remind people to keep social distancing and hygiene.